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Modern Britain


Modern Britain Statement 

At Stoke Damerel we take great pride in the broad range of opportunities we offer our students both within the curriculum and beyond. We believe in respect and tolerance for all individuals and groups, so they learn without prejudice. Our aim at Stoke Damerel is to deliver the highest quality education to all our students in a dynamic Britain where student’s success is not limited by faith, race, gender, sexuality or wealth.

It is essential that we meet the requirements set out in section 78 of the Education Act 2002 and promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of our students.

At Stoke Damerel promotion of the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs takes place in a wide range of opportunities and experiences.



Democracy can be seen as a state of society characterised by equality of rights and privileges. It can also refer to our nation’s electoral systems. At Stoke Damerel we promote the importance of democracy through such things as:

  • The election of our college councils and year 11 ambassadors

  • Students being given the opportunity to make choices both within lessons and the curriculum

  • Students are encouraged to challenge their own views and the views of other

  • The ethos of the college of one of promoting equality for all

  • Students are taught about British democracy through Modern Britain lessons

  • Students have opportunities to take part in political discussion and debate

  • Students have the opportunity to visit the Houses of Parliament and Skype with MPs


The Rule of Law

All people and institutions are subject to and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced. At Stoke Damerel we promote the importance of the rule of law through such things as:

  • School has its Behaviour for Learning policy that has been developed in consultation with our students.

  • The school invites community police in to discuss local issues

  • Students visit the local courts to gain an understanding of the judicial system

  • Student participate Modern Britain lessons exploring the Rule of Law

  • Drugs and Alcohol education takes place through PSHE and the pastoral curriculum

  • Students are train to be Peer educators in Smoking cessation and the use of Drugs and Alcohol

  • Close working relationships with the local Police as part of our pastoral care.


Individual Liberty

Individual liberty suggests the free exercise of rights generally seen as outside Government control. At Stoke Damerel we promote the importance of individual liberty through such things as:

  • The Students feel safe and secure and confident in sharing their views to keep themselves and other safe

  • PSHE and Modern Britain curriculum allow students to learn about the importance of being free to make your own choices

  • Students are actively encouraged to discuss and have dialogue about their rights and responsibilities in Britain today

  • The wealth of extra-curricular activities and clubs available to all students.

  • There is an extensive information, advice and guidance (IAG) process within the College giving the opportunity for choice at key transition points


Mutual respect

The proper regard for an individual’s dignity, which is reciprocated.

At Stoke Damerel we promote the importance of mutual respect through such things as:

  • The Stoke Damerel 6 - Respect Resilience, Responsibility, Pride, Professional and Prepared runs through the tutorial programme and rewards

  • There is a strong ethos within the College– promoting personal identity, anti-bullying, relationships (inc. consent), emotional health, gender and career stereotypes, sexism, racism, homophobia, gender reassignment therapy (GRT) etc...

  • Behaviour in lesson is in the majority of lessons is outstanding

  • Student are used to interview new staff and provide hospitality at events

  • We carry out “You say, we do” assemblies where student’s views are acted on and progress fed back to the students

  • Year Teams deliver assemblies focusing on topical issues such as the conflict in Syria.

  • The College’s uniform was developed with consultation with all stakeholders.


Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

A fair, objective, and permissive attitude to those whose faith and beliefs may differ from one’s own.

At Stoke Damerel we promote the importance of tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs through such things as:

  • Modern Britain and PSHE taught to all students across Key Stages 3

  • Spirit, Moral, Social and Cultural of learn are evident in all lessons and SOW

  • Theatre groups such as the Barbican Theatre group are brought in to deliver the Day of Difference looking at racism in Britain and challenging stereotypes

  • Every year we support Holocaust Memorial Day and have taken students major events around the country and A’ Level History students visit Auschwitz annually

  • Students have the opportunity to visit local places of worship

  • Quiet spaces are available for Muslim students to pray during the day