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Plymouth Secondary Schools Governing Body attendance 2022-23

Governor GB1 GB2 GB3 GB4 GB5 GB6
  05.10.22 23.11.22 18.01.23 08.03.23 03.05.23 05.07.23
Samantha Beacham N/A N/A C P P P
Richard Blackmore C P P C P C
Janice Cole P P P P P P
Lindsay Cooper Smith N/A N/A P P P P
Anita Frier P P P P P P
Josie Forte N/A N/A C P P P
Matthew Hussey P P P P P C
Sarah Miller N/A N/A N/A N/A P P
Rachel Miller P P P C N/A N/A
Fiona Osmaston P C P C P P
Colin Searls C P P C P P
Sandra Trathen P P P P P P



In attendance


Absent with consent


Absent without consent


Not a governor at this meeting


No meeting