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Year 12 Biologists Visit Plymouth University's Electron Microscope Lab

Our Year 12 biology students had the opportunity to visit Plymouth University's Electron Microscope Lab at Derriford. There, they explored the fascinating world of electron microscopes and learnt about the complex process of preparing slides for both Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopes.

Preparing these slides is a detailed and time-consuming process, but the students enjoyed learning how these powerful tools work. They also had the opportunity to view images from both types of microscopes, including close-up views of kidney biopsies, a sheep tick, and biofilm from patients with gum disease (periodontitis).

The students were amazed by the incredible resolution of the images, which revealed levels of detail far beyond what the naked eye can see.

One student said, "I can't believe how much detail you can see under these microscopes - it was fascinating." Another student shared, "The trip has now inspired me to consider a career working in a lab."

This visit gave our students a unique insight into the world of advanced biology and technology, sparking excitement about future careers in science.