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Year 12 Biology Students Explore the Welsh Coastline for A-Level Field Work

In the final week of the summer term, our Year 12 Biology students from across the campus travelled to the far western tip of Wales for a biology field work course, contributing to the practical component of their A-level studies.

They spent an incredible week at the Dale Fort Field Studies Centre, surrounded by stunning beaches, cliffs, and wildlife. The centre, known for its access to Skomer Island and its seabird colonies, allowed students to explore various environments, from rural and urban areas to coastal landscapes.

Throughout the week, students showed off their impressive talents. Some became skilled ecologists, identifying a variety of plants and animals and discussing the balance of different ecosystems. Others turned into patient crab catchers, spending hours by the shore observing their behaviour and carefully catching and releasing them back into their natural habitat.

A few students also became dedicated bee rescuers, relocating bees that had strayed too far from their hives to help the local bee population.

Reflecting on the trip, Dr. Wright commented, "The students were outstanding. Spending time with such an amazing group of young people was a real privilege for all involved."