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Students Dive into Biodiversity day

Students recently had an engaging session with the 'Green Communities Team' from the National Trust and Plymouth City Council, delving deep into the world of biodiversity.

This initiative workshop, aimed at promoting environmental education, has been making waves across schools in the city, with SDCC being amongst one of the first schools to embrace it.

Our geography students got hands-on experience using quadrats to assess the variety of plant and animal species within different areas around the school. Beyond analysis, they actively participated in enriching biodiversity around the school grounds. This involved planting a diverse array of flowers and plants while also scattering wildflower seeds to boost the ecosystem.

Feedback from the students was overwhelmingly positive, with Matilda saying, “The experience was fun and creative. I felt like I learnt a lot, and it was nice to make a really positive change to the school environment.”

Finley beamed, “I found the planting activities to be calming and therapeutic and I can really see the benefits of gardening. I will definitely be trying to do more outside of school.”

Several students asked, “When can we do it again!”

This collaborative effort between educational institutions and environmental organisations not only fosters a deeper understanding of biodiversity but also instils a sense of responsibility towards preserving and nurturing our natural surroundings.