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Eco Council Creates Hedgehog Haven in School Eco Garden

In a heart-warming display of environmental stewardship, Ayushi, Amelia and Rose from the Eco Council, have been working on a delightful project over the past few weeks: building hedgehog houses.

These cozy abodes, meticulously designed and constructed by the students themselves, are crafted from recycled materials sourced from maintenance scraps, embodying the spirit of sustainability and creativity.

The initiative, spearheaded by the Eco Council, reflects a collective commitment to nurturing local wildlife and promoting biodiversity within our school community. With hedgehog populations facing challenges in urban environments, providing safe havens for these spiky creatures has never been more crucial.

The construction of the hedgehog houses is just a small yet significant step towards the larger vision of establishing a thriving eco garden on our school grounds. These humble structures will soon find their place amidst a lush tapestry of native plants, creating a sanctuary where wildlife can flourish and students can connect with nature.

Beyond its ecological significance, the project embodies values of resourcefulness, collaboration, and environmental consciousness. By repurposing scrap materials into functional habitats, the students have demonstrated the transformative power of ingenuity and sustainability.

As we eagerly await the transformation of our eco garden, let us celebrate the dedication and vision of our students, who continue to inspire us with their passion for sustainability and reverence for the world around us.