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Photography Competition unveils talented photographers

In a bid to kickstart the exciting introduction of our new House system, SDCC recently organised a Photography competition, inviting students to showcase their artistic flair and earn extra points for their respective houses.

The competition featured five captivating categories, with a rewarding 5 house points awarded for every photo entry. The response from our students exceeded expectations, with an impressive influx of over 100 entries flooding in. It quickly became evident that we have a pool of exceptionally talented young photographers within our school community. 

The categories included Land, Sea and Sky, Black and White, Abstract and Colour.

Selecting winners proved to be a delightful challenge given the abundance of creative submissions. After meticulous checks for authenticity and thorough deliberation by our judging panel, we proudly announced our well-deserved winners. Miss Frier, thoroughly impressed by the students' photographic skills, personally met with the finalists to present them with their house points and certificates.

As we celebrate the success of this competition, we eagerly anticipate more opportunities for our budding photographers in the upcoming year. Watch this space for exciting photography competitions that will continue to nurture and showcase the artistic talents within our vibrant school community. Congratulations to all participants and a special acknowledgment to our winners for their outstanding contributions to the visual arts!

This terms winners revealed!