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Students deliver fantastic House Captain speeches

Excitement and anticipation filled the halls of SDCC as the process of selecting the first cohort of House Captains unfolded.

The recruitment took an inclusive approach, with the prestigious role of House Captains being extended to Sixth Form students, giving them an opportunity to serve as role models within the school community. Accompanying them are Deputy House Captains, one each from Key Stage 4 (KS4) and Key Stage 3 (KS3) per house. The recruitment process was a testament to the school's commitment to fostering leadership and providing opportunities for students to shine.

Recognising the vital role that Sixth Form students play in influencing and inspiring their peers, SDCC decided to entrust them with the responsibilities of House Captains. This move not only acknowledges the leadership potential within the senior students but also allows them to set an example for their younger counterparts.

The selection process began with students expressing their interest by writing letters to their respective Heads of House. Following this, they diligently crafted speeches that would showcase their leadership qualities. This week marked the culmination of their efforts as students delivered their speeches under intense pressure, facing an audience of 180-200 students and staff from their respective houses over the course of two days.

The resilience and poise displayed by the aspiring House Captains during their speeches were commendable. Despite the pressure and the watchful eyes of their peers, each candidate eloquently presented their vision, goals, and commitment to the role. The passion for leadership and the desire to contribute positively to the school community were palpable in every speech.

With the speeches delivered and the candidates having left a lasting impression, the next step in the House Captain recruitment process is the voting phase. Each student from their respective houses will cast their votes next week, contributing to the selection of individuals who will lead and represent their houses in the upcoming academic year.

Regardless of the final outcome, all students who participated in the House Captain recruitment process deserve recognition for their dedication and courage. Delivering speeches under such pressure is no small feat, and their efforts contribute to the vibrant culture of leadership and camaraderie at SDCC.