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Sixth Form Geography Students' Adventure in Slapton

A group of fearless Sixth Form Geography students embarked on a memorable journey to Slapton, undeterred by the weather. Their spirit was unyielding, and nothing was going to dampen their enthusiasm! 

On the first day, the students set out on a hike into the local woodland, immersing themselves in the acquisition of essential fieldwork techniques. Their focus was on measuring infiltration rates, with lively discussions unfolding about the potential impacts of saturation, land use, organic content, and gradient on these rates. The prospect of becoming future flood risk managers ignited within them a sense of purpose and responsibility.

Day two led the students to Totnes, our local Transition Town, where sustainability takes centre stage. Here, they delved into fieldwork techniques aimed at investigating the effects of sustainable urban development strategies on town centres. With each observation and analysis, they took strides toward evolving into the sustainable town planners of the future.

The adventure continued on day three as the students found themselves in Beesands, learning fieldwork techniques tailored to measure the impact of sea defences. A visit to Slapton Sands provided an opportunity to study coastal processes, shaping these students into potential coastal management engineers.

The concluding two days of the expedition were devoted to the students crafting their investigations, focusing on one of the areas they had explored. Armed with curiosity, they formulated investigation questions and designed methodologies to test their hypotheses. Venturing out to their chosen study locations, they conducted their investigations with enthusiasm and determination. As the dust settled on their fieldwork, anticipation filled the air as we eagerly await the unveiling of their write-ups.

The Sixth Form Geography students' journey to Slapton was more than just a trip; it was an immersive experience that nurtured their passion for exploration, discovery, and the pursuit of knowledge. The pages of their write-ups hold the stories of their adventures, lessons learnt, and the promise of a future shaped by the indomitable spirit of exploration.