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Exciting Summer Opportunities for Year 12 Students

In a joint assembly held today for Year 12 students at SMHC and SDCC, Jimmy and Hetty from the National Citizen Service (NCS) took the stage to unveil an array of exciting summer opportunities available to them.

The NCS representatives captivated the audience by presenting three distinct experiences, each designed to provide a unique and enriching adventure.

The first option, "Live It," offers a residential course where students can immerse themselves in a variety of activities. From learning new skills to engaging in thrilling outdoor experiences, this program promises to be an unforgettable journey of personal growth and discovery. Participants will have the chance to step out of their comfort zones and broaden their horizons in a supportive and engaging environment.

For those with an entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to excel in their future careers, the "Boss It" program is the perfect choice. This course is specifically tailored to teach students how to be their own boss and achieve their career goals. By gaining valuable insights into various industries and developing essential professional skills, participants will be empowered to carve their own paths and thrive in the competitive world of work.

The final option, "Change It," focuses on making a positive impact within communities and beyond. This program encourages students to explore social issues and discover their purpose by channelling their passion into projects that bring about meaningful change. By addressing real-world challenges and implementing innovative solutions, participants will develop a deep sense of fulfilment while contributing to a better society.

All three courses will run consecutively throughout the summer, allowing students to choose the experience that aligns with their interests and aspirations. To register for any of these programs, students simply need to visit the NCS website and browse the available options.

The NCS team also highlighted the affordability of these incredible summer opportunities. While a week-long program of this calibre would typically cost around £1200, NCS is offering it for an incredibly low fee of £95. This nominal charge covers all expenses for the five days and four nights, ensuring that students can participate without any financial burden.

Furthermore, NCS aims to make these opportunities accessible to all students. Any student in receipt of free school meals, pupil premium, or with an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) will be exempt from the fee. The organisation is committed to ensuring that finance does not hinder any student from seizing these life-changing experiences. Students facing financial challenges are encouraged to reach out to their teachers or contact NCS directly, as assistance is available to help overcome any barriers.

The joint assembly concluded with an atmosphere buzzing with excitement and anticipation. Year 12 students left with a wealth of possibilities in front of them, eager to embark on a summer adventure that will shape their future. The NCS summer programs offer a unique chance to grow, learn, and make a positive difference while creating lasting memories and friendships along the way.