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Students visit Exeter Crown Court

A group of Year 10 students had the incredible opportunity to visit Exeter Crown Court for their Modern Britain curriculum on crime and punishment this week. 

Students were able to sit in the public gallery and listen to real life cases as well as have a Q and A session with His Honour Judge Climie. The Judge spoke to the students about the role of the judiciary system in the UK and explained how sentencing works when summoning up a case.  HHJ Climie also talked about how Brexit has had an impact on the family courts more than a criminal court.

The Year 10 students were then, kindly given a presentation from a junior lawyer on what it's like to work in the judiciary system and what life is like in law. Students were also able to ask questions around the process to become a lawyer and what skills are needed when applying.

Some of the students want to make this their career choice, so they were very interested in what subjects they needed to take in further education to become a lawyer, solicitor or even a judge one day!

Ayla said, "I loved talking to the judge and asking him questions about law and how he copes with difficult cases. It made me want to study law at a higher level."

Sarina said, "I liked how the judge was explaining personal experiences within his role and that everyone is human. I enjoyed experiencing a real life courtroom and learning about the factors behind a career in law in greater detail."