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SDCC uniforms to be worn with pride in Africa

The donated clothing is for boys and girls of all school ages and includes blazers, skirts, SDCC hoodies, and PE uniform.

Stoke Damerel Community College has donated over 100 items of our former school uniform to a charity that helps children living in poverty in The Gambia.

The donated clothing is for boys and girls of all school ages and includes blazers, skirts, SDCC hoodies, and PE uniform.

College Executive Principal, Miss Frier, said the school jumped at the chance to help the charity,  Gambian Projects, which was established here in Plymouth by one of our former teachers, Debbie Williams. 

Miss Frier said: “We are proud to support a locally-based charity that is doing so much to help children who live in extremely difficult circumstances in The Gambia. All the pieces of uniform are unused and from our previous school uniform, and we are delighted that scores of children will benefit from them.”

The charity’s main aims are to support educational projects in the West African state, and to give practical support to children and their families in need. The development of links between Gambian and UK schools is part of this work.

The uniforms were handed over on 2 December. Director of Student Welfare at the College, Mrs Miller said: “We made contact with Debbie as we did not want our uniforms to go to waste and were very keen for an overseas school to make use of them.

“Debbie raises funds for a 40ft container, and she travels with this and distributes the uniform herself. We are thrilled that our previous uniform will go to good use and the children will be able to wear it with pride.”