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Black History Month 2022

October is International Black History Month in the UK and this year's theme is 'Sharing Journeys' - an exploration of the lives and stories of the people who came to Britain in the 19th and 20th centuries and helped laid the foundations of today's diverse Black British Community.

The main aims of Black History Month are to celebrate the achievements and contributions of black people not just in the UK, but throughout the world and also to educate all on black history.

To celebrate Black History Month, our History Ambassadors have created a board that is being displayed in The Street throughout October. Each of the students chose a person to research to promote stories from Black History, to educate both students and staff. Students have also displayed why Black History is important.

History of Black History Month

Although Black History Month has been celebrated every February in the USA since 1970, it was not officially celebrated in the UK until 1987 when it was organised by the activist Akyaaba Addai-Sebo who, at the time was the coordinator for special projects for the Greater London Council. The first Black History Month was celebrated only in London, but in the years since, the celebration has spread across the whole UK and is now celebrated annually throughout each October.